Grove Membership

Druidry or Celtic Spirituality encompasses the tradition of the land. We honour this tradition and keep it alive. The Grove of Anu is a branche of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. This is the largest druid organisation in the world that unites and has educated about 25.000 druids worldwide.

We are Karen and Jan Tetteroo, druids of the Order. You can walk your spiritual path on your own but meeting with others to celebrate the festivals and share your spiritual journey can offer great support, introduce you to new friends and expand your horizons. The following information will help you understand what it involves if you join the Grove.

What is a Druid Grove and how can you join?

As a Grove we regularly meet together, both in person and online. This gives members the opportunity to meet, and share knowledge and ideas together. We discuss Druidry and topics of mutual interest. Occasionally, we organise other activities such as retreats, workshops and camps. To be a member of the Grove you don’t need to be a druid yourself or take a course. Showing interest and have the willingness to explore and deepen your Celtic Spiritual path is rewarding enough.

You can join The Druid Grove of Anu by following this link or by klicking the button below.

Free Course

All members, we call them Friends of the Grove, can enroll in our free course: The Wheel of the Year. A course theat will help you embark on the druidic path by celebrating the seasons and connect with the spirit of nature that is so important for all humans and especially for followers of a druidic path.

What happens at Grove meetings?

The Grove encourages freedom, creativity, and individual responsibility, and for this reason we do not advocate any specific or set format for a meeting. It really is up to the members of a group to decide how they wish to spend their time together.

In working out how you would like to spend the time, remember that you need focus, boundaries, freedom, and creativity! Usually we have a combination of the following elements:

• Arriving, welcoming, stating the purpose of the meeting
• Tuning in
• Exchanging news and ideas
• Discussion and debate on a chosen subject
• Meditation
• Ceremony
• Eistedfodd
• Feasting

Grove meetings and workshops in person are normally at Jan and Karen’s place in Mountain Retreat Annagh More, Killarney, Ireland. 

As we have friends and members all over the world, we frequently organise online meetings. 

We are happy to welcome you as Friend of the Grove

If you after reading this are interested or want to know more, we love to talk to you and invite you to the Grove meetings as a Friend of the Grove without any obligation or costs. Click the button below to join us as a friend or choose one of the advanced memberships.


Friend of The Grove

Friendship is free
Free Forever
  • Free Course: Wheel of the Year
  • Enroll Yourself in Advanced Courses
  • Join our Ceremonies
FrEE !