Meet Karen and Jan
We are husband and wife Jan and Karen Tetteroo. Founders of the Grove of Anu. We have met at a Druidic Samhain Celebration in Amsterdam in 2007 and have been together ever since.
We are druids of the worldwide Order of Bard, Ovates, and Druids, where we both did our druidic studies for over 10 years.
You can contact either of us for all druidic services, celebrancy, counseling, personal coaching, or psychotherapy.
In 2017 we finally moved to Killarney in our beloved Ireland. Here we founded the Grove of Anu as a place for celebrations, ceremony, and learning.
We invite you to join the Grove as a member. All members are invited to our live- and online celebrations of the Celtic Wheel of the Year. There are free- and paid memberships. Click here for more information.
Full members of the Grove have acces to a one-year online introduction course and follow up courses.

Karen Tetteroo
About Karen

Jan Tetteroo
About Jan