How is the Druid course presented?
The course follows the natural rhythm of the year with its different facets and comprises twelve monthly lessons and one introductory lesson.
- At the start of the month, a new lecture becomes available.
- You can join any day. The sign-up process is fully automated so that you can start immediately with the course’s introduction and first lesson.
- The material will be revealed over the course of twelve months.
Halfway through the first month, we invite you to join the month’s Zoom class. You will get backgrounds and a chance to ask questions and discuss the topics with Karen, Jan and the course participants.
It is a journey through the spiritual wheel of the year; it consists of theory, practice, learning skills through instructions and video, and deepening meditations.
Structure of the course
- We present the Druid course content in a 4 to 6-topic format per month. Each topic holds a video explaining the content, text to read and sometimes a quiz.
- More reading tips, videos, and leads to deepening the experience will be provided. To fully integrate the material, working with it for four weeks at the minimum is needed before the next phase of the course opens.
If any concept during the course is unclear or raises questions, you can mail us, and we will get back to you.
Course topics in the first month
- Introduction to druidism.
- A journey into the grove.
- Create your druid work place
- Zoom meeting
- History of Druidism
The 4-6 topic per month format
- 1. Knowledge
- 2. Meditation
- 3. Practical
- 4. Zoom meeting
- 5. Myths, legends, tree lore
- Additional reading materials and quizzes
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