On 31 January, a specially intended green cloth or shawl was placed outside before sunset. On this Imbolc night, this ‘cloak of Brigid’ was blessed with the power of healing and protection by the goddess and infused with dew that fell that night. They brought this cloak back before dawn and kept it in a special place in the house.
You can use a Brat Bride and her bright and healing energy for yourself or your loved ones.
“Faoi bhrat Bhride sinne go leir – may we all be under the shelter of Brigid’s cloak.
Many people in Ireland still perform this ritual.
I have done this for several years. At sunset, I place a green cloth in a fairy tree next to the house, light the place with a lantern (fire), and bless the place with water from the well (water). I thank the spirits of the place for their caring and protection. With my eyes closed, asking the goddess if she wanted to bless the ‘Brat Bride’ this year and thank her for last year’s blessing. My own words:
Lady Brigid be with us.
Keep us safe at home and everywhere
Guide our journey into nature
Bless our water with your strength
Light, our fires with your warmth
Lady Brigid, I honour your presence
Shining your light with the spirit of the swan
Make every day a new gift